Alkawther Makki

I teach people how to develop a regular mindfulness practice and integrate it into their everyday lives. Mindfulness practice allows us to fully embrace life’s joys and meet the difficult moments more skillfully, and the result of that is often an increased sense of ease, peace, happiness and fulfillment.
- Learn how to be more present in your life
- Feel a greater sense of peace, happiness, and wellbeing
- Develop a regular mindfulness practice & integrate it into your everyday life
- Live more authentically and intentionally

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside: dreams. Who looks inside: awakens.

Of Individuals
Thinks understanding of yourself with the support of a counsellor leads to living a more full life.
Of Couples
Learned to identify their individual needs which increased their confidence as a couple.
Of Therapies
Helps couples gain insight into how their own, forms of thinking impact their relationship.


Alkawther: To contribute to society in an artistic and unique way that empowers my surroundings as well as the lives of people who are searching for their purpose in life. Apply a new approach that makes an everlasting impact, one that can motivate and transform weaknesses into strengths. I enjoy expressing various emotions and integrating real life elements to create an exemplary outcome. I want to offer the world of literature exceptional works, a new book-in a new genre that people can resonate with and apply to better enhance their life. Maybe a poetic note will seal the deal for a couple, perhaps a healthy perspective will help an individual maintain a life without disease, a child facing adversity will realize that she can be a leader if she never gives up, an amateur cook becomes a master chef with my recipe book. I see life in endless possibilities, creative ideas that foster growth and innovation with my Master the Art of Book- Collection (Ten books in varying genres).